Secular Movies and Music Message of September 23

media communicating the significance of September 23rd...

I remember as part of my first foray into researching these things, was in 2015 when everybody thought things were going to get pretty hairy, partly based on the sheer number of movies and music clips that specifically mentioned a date. Due to a few convergences at that time, people attributed the relevant year to 2015 (which is not supported by the majority of examples).

I was (and still am) amazed at the number of movies which reference "September 23" or have the associated numbers (9/23) etc.

I knew back then, the enemy of our souls (who exists outside of time) just as our Creator does, would know the pre-determined appointed times of the earth. He will have his time of unfettered rule on the earth as part of the coming tribulation, and must communicate this just as our Creator is communicating. It is part of a universal law.

In Satan's case, one of his tools is media (as he does not control the skies of course, as God does - the skies being one of God's communication tools). Also, those serving Satan in the world's systems, are also looking forward to this day when the church is missing (raptured) and evil can flourish unabated (it's currently being restrained by the church filled with our Creator's Spirit). Therefore, it makes sense that they would celebrate and inform those watching on the "dark side" of this date as well.

I had trouble finding the many compilations that were taken down after 2015, as people perhaps thought they were of no significance, OR that they attributed certain meanings to the date that were not prophetically correct. I had given this topic a bit of a wide berth until just now, when another site wrote a blog on the same topic. I have included a partial list of some movies and clips below the video clip... and Unsealed have done a good up-to-date article that includes some of the more recent music clips pointing to the Revelation 12 sign here.

2017 is different. Not because we should rely on secular pointers, however there are so many more convergences pointing to this year than any other. See some of these on our 2017 Urgency page.

Does this mean there will be great upheaval on September 23? I'm not claiming to be prophet. What I do know, is that there is Great Sign on that Day, as written in a 1900 year old prophecy in Revelation 12:1-2. So, we could speculate that this Sign is a marker of things to come, such as those mentioned in movies and media. The Sign could be a countdown to those things.

Thanks to Dolley and her excellent site, who has found a clip and written some more background in her article here, I have included a sample YouTube clip with some of these movies who display 9/23 / Sept 23. Remember - at what point do "coincidences" suddenly become a pattern showing something more? Everything in movies is put there on purpose, by design...

It just adds to the already hundreds of convergences pointing to 2017 as significant.

Partial List

This is not an all-inclusive list and relates to movies and media only up until 2015. There were videos in 2015 that comprehensively covered this, however these have now been removed from YouTube.


"Gone Girl":  Starring Ben Affleck. It came out on Day of Atonement, 2014 (same day as the "Left Behind" movie). The missing lady in the movie says, "I feel like I could disappear". In one scene, on the lower left of your screen, it says "September 23--Seven Weeks Home”.

"Knowing":  One of the last dates of DESTRUCTION in this movie is 9/23.

"Deep Impact": This movie shows the numbers 9-21 and 9-23 on underground caves.  A comet strikes the earth, and causes mega tsunamis.

"Red Dawn": The trailer to this movie points to 9/22-23 as the start of chaos erupting in the US.  A football player, in a jersey #9 (September?), shouts "22, 22", then lights go out in the stadium, due to an EMP attack on the United States. The following morning (9/23) is when all chaos breaks loose in America.

"I Frankenstein": A camera pans by a large clock tower, with the hands pointing to 9:23.

"San Andreas": This is the 2015 California earthquake movie. People are standing around the professor at his desk, looking at his computer screen. They are talking about the devastation, from the earthquake that they were observing. At the top of the screen, towards the left, are the numbers 9, 2, and 3.

"This Is The End": This movie reveals the 9/21-9/24 dates. We see the "Rapture" event, followed by the Abyss opening, and all hell is breaking loose upon the earth. Right before this takes place, two of the main characters meet at an airport ,and the numbers on the clock point to 9:21, 9:22, 9:23, and stop at 9:24.

"Tomorrowland":  In the preview, you see a young girl who is witnessing rampant looting and rioting, on the east coast of the U.S., on the TV. She picks up a magic coin and is instantly transported to a place that looks like Heaven (some Hollywood version of the Rapture?).  In the next scene we see a digital counter that reads an atomic clock at 09 23, in big glowing numbers, followed by 100% probability.

"Pixels Movie" : The preview shows us a game of "PacMan", with the high score, and current score, starting with the digits 239 or, again, 9/23, as most countries code dates with the month before the day. The theme is an alien invasion of video game constructs and a meteorite strike.

"Evan Almighty": This movie shows 9/22 and says "building an ark because a flood is coming".

"Ghostbusters" (all 3 movies): This movie shows 9/22, as a character says "fire and brimstone coming down from the sky".

"Little Shop of Horrors":  On 9/23, humans encounter a deadly threat to their very existence.

"Left Behind": Starring Nicholas Cage, this movie came out on Day of Atonement in 2014 (the same day as "Gone Girl" came out). Both movies appear to be a warning. People vanish from an airplane, in the Rapture, as well as all over the world. It shows Gates 9--23, and states "We were warned".

"Seeking a Friend for the End of the World": On 9/22 and 9/23, a huge asteroid is getting ready to strike the planet in 3 weeks time. It says "the End is coming soon".

"The Number 23":  This movie is starring Jim Carrey, and it is a whole movie about the number 23. It mentions the month of September, and then the number 23. A clock shows 9, 2 and 3.

"Run All Night":  9/23 date is the date on the newspaper. This movie mentions, "the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against her offspring".  (See Revelation 12:17)

"Volcano" (1997): We see 9:23 next to a cross, with a license plate reading of 239 (23/9--Sept. 23rd), with the falling of an asteroid .

"Cast Away" (2000):  This movie stars Tom Hanks, as the sole survivor from a plane crash, stranded on an island. He finds the wallet of his co-worker, and the ID card in it states the worker's employment start date was 9/23/1987.


"Sleepy Hollow" (Season 2):   It shows 9/23, and says "someone is leaving us a code".

"NCIS" (Episode: "Last Man Standing"): This shows 9/23, and it says "Do they suspect?", and the answer is "No".


Taco Bell:  Shows 9/23, with two people breaking through a barrier and going to a paradise-like place.


Miley Cyrus:  Song called "23", which shows numbers 666 and 923 (9/23).

Spectrum:  Singer showing one-eyed symbolism and her watch is set at 9:23.

Song "Licks and Kicks" by Israel Vibration (1978):  Mentions 9/24 date, twice. Song mentions Babylon, fulfillment of holy prophecy, and Great Tribulation.

"Someday" a Black Eyed Peas video, which shows 9/23 on calendar.