The Prophetic Alignment of Nations...JD Farag's Update - VIDEO

Continuing the theme of the stage not being un-set from Todd Hampson's post (see here), JD Farag's Update again has a timely insight into the status of Iran, Russia, North Korea, Syria, Israel and the US in relation to Bible prophecy.

In his experienced and balanced way, he explains how current events in the Middle East point to a crumbling US unable to come to Israel's defence from Russia and Iran's attack, as prophesied in Ezekiel 38.

JD once again points to how the US is conspicuously absent during the time of the end, and thus opens the way for Israel to be attacked.

What I want to do today... is focus on what I see as the alignment geo-politically of the nations prophetically.

I’m personally of the belief (and I believe that I’m in good company in this belief) that the world today is exactly like what we were told the world would be like at the time of the end, prior to Christ’s return in the rapture of the church, which is prior to the 7-year tribulation.
— JD Farag

JD asks:

Is everything lining up in this way? Are the nations today at the ready to do this, and is this a plausible scenario today? I’m going to answer it this way.:Yes. And I’ll take it further and say: 10 years ago? No. And here’s the thing: 10 years from now? I don’t know. As fast as everything is moving, I think it would be a stretch to say that the nations today that stand at the ready aligned as they are, would still be in that position even 10 years from now. I’ll even say 5 years from now.

This is why I always refer to Bible prophecy as having a shelf life. An expiration date if you will. It’s the proverbial “strike while the iron’s hot”. There’s only a small window of opportunity as it were. And this is why Bible prophecy is so time driven.
— JD Farag

Here's the video, and please feel free to leave a comment!